We all know that the Wicked Witch was green but who knew her fingers could be so tasty?
3/4 C warm water (115 degrees)
3 t SAF dry active yeast
1 T buttermilk powder or powdered milk
1 egg
1/2 C grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 C soft butter
2 T sugar
1 t salt
1 t Italian seasoning
1 t garlic salt
1/2 t garlic powder
1/2 t green food coloring
2+ C flour
1 egg white, beaten
1/2 package of shredded Italian cheese blend
sliced almonds
1/4 C melted butter
In a Bosch mixer combine all the dough ingredients in order, except at first add only 1 cup of flour. Mix until blended. Add the rest of the flour. On speed 2 mix the dough until it pulls clean away from sides and bottom of bowl. If it's too dry add a bit of water, if it's too wet add a bit more flour. (Turn on the oven to 200 degrees). Knead on speed 2 for 6-8 minutes. The dough should be smooth and elastic like. Pinch off balls of dough, place onto a lightly oiled surface and roll into bread stick shapes. Place bread sticks on a sprayed baking sheet. When all the bread sticks are formed turn the oven off and place the bread sticks in the oven to proof. Let the bread sticks rise, about 20-30 minutes, until about doubled in size. Pull bread out of the oven. Brush the bread sticks with the egg white, sprinkle the Italian cheese blend over the bread sticks then gently push a sliced almond into the tip of each bread stick. Bake the bread sticks at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes or until lightly browned. Pull the bread out of the oven and brush with melted butter. Serve warm or let cool and store in an air tight container.