Gramma MAS' family starting bottling their own sauerkraut years ago. My parents still carry on this tradition every year. This year we decided to help them so we could learn how to do it for ourselves. I know you have to do it at least a few months before Thanksgiving. Yes, sauerkraut is a staple at our Thanksgiving dinner. Home bottled sauerkraut tastes quite different from the stuff bought at the grocery store. Anyway, if you want to give bottling sauerkraut a try here is the how to!
heads of fresh, green cabbage
food processor
stock pot
home canning jars, lids, & rings
Fill a stock pot with water and set on the stove to boil. Cut the heads of cabbage in half, from the stem section to the top. Cut out the hard cores. Slice down to fit in the food processor. Chop and move into a large bowl. After the cabbage has been run through the processor once, put it through a second time to achieve the correct texture and size. The water should be boiling by now. Firmly pack the cabbage into the jars. Place a heaping teaspoon of salt on the top of the cabbage inside the jar. Pour boiling water into the jar, atop the salt. Place sealing lid and screw on the ring. Wipe off the jar and let sit until the jar lid "pops". Set in a cool, dark place for a few months to ripen.
Pour a bottle of ripe sauerkraut into a pot. Fill the sauerkraut jar you just emptied with water and pour in the pot. Bring the sauerkraut and water to a boil. Turn the heat down to a medium-low heat and let the sauerkraut simmer for 30 minutes. Add butter, to taste, and simmer for another 15 minutes. Serve.
This is what the cabbage looks like after the first round of food processing.
This is the texture after the second food processing round.
Pack the cabbage in firmly.
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