Gramma MAS' aunt Lola invented this gorgeous grape sherbet as a foods project in college. Lola took her Aunt Rosa's grape ice cream idea and turned it into this yummy treat. The infusion of grape juice, sugar, and lemon gives it an original taste that is truly scrumptious.
1 package of Knox gelatin
1/2 C cold water
1 C boiling water
2 C sugar
the juice of 4 lemons, freshly squeezed
1/8 t of salt
1 1/2 pints of Welch's grape juice
1 quart of half and half
1 can of evaporated milk
Pour the cold water into a small mixing bowl. Dissolve the gelatin in the cold water by stirring. Next, pour the boiling water over the cold water with the gelatin and stir. Pour the mix into the ice cream canister and add all of the other ingredients while constantly stirring. After the ingredients are mixed, taste it. You want the mix to be a bit sweeter and grapier than you'd prefer it to be. Add sugar and grape juice until you get to that desired taste. Put the canister into the ice cream machine and pack it with ice and rock salt. The usual ratio to do that is 2 inches of ice followed by an inch of rock salt, repeat until freezer is packed full. The freezing process usually takes around 45 minutes. Serve and then freeze left overs.
Note: this recipe is made in a large (5 quart) ice cream freezer. If you need to you can adjust the recipe to fit a smaller freezer.
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