This ain't your momma's cherry pie, it's my daddy's! Gramma MAS and Dad had an ongoing battle on who made the best cherry pie. For the record, they both made a scrumptious pastry but my Dad's is out-of-this-world good! Why is it sooooo yummy you ask? Well, it doesn't taste like the regular, super tart, thick gel stuff inside of it cherry pie. This recipe is one of a kind. I actually do not like any other cherry pie, but Dad's is what a true cherry pie tastes like. If you venture to try this recipe it is very important you buy the right brand of ingredients.... no cheating!
2 cans of Oregon brand pitted pie cherries
1/3 C of cherry juice, reserved from the can
1/4 t salt
1 T fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 1/4 C sugar
1 T butter, softened
2 1/2 T tapioca
1/4 t almond extract
1/2 t red food coloring
Open the cans of cherries and drain a third of the juice into a mixing bowl. Drain the rest of the juice into the sink. Combine all the above ingredients into the mixing bowl containing the cherry juice. Let the cherries sit while you prepare the crust. After the crust is prepared, rolled out, placed in the pie dish, trimmed and ready pour the cherries on top of the bottom crust in the dish. Place the top section of the crust over the cherries and seal the edges with a fork or your fingers. Slice a few venting areas in the top of the pie with a knife. Sprinkle a bit of sugar over the top of the pie. Wrap foil over the top of the pie and bake at 425 degrees for 20 minutes. Turn the oven down to 350 degrees and bake for another 35 minutes. Open the oven and remove the foil layer. Bake for another 10 minutes until the crust has a golden brown glow. Remove from oven, when done, and let sit before serving.
Great recipe. I love it. I love any recipe with cherries. I just found a great tart cherry recipe book from Traverse Bay Farms. Best of all it's free. It has dried cherry recipes cherry juice recipes and more.