Have you had an irresistable taco filled with sweet pork lately? Well you can have one for dinner if you use this recipe.
Follow the Sweet & Spicy Pork recipe:
1 boneless pork roast
3 T white wine vinegar
2 T olive oil
2 T sea salt
2 t chili powder
2 t oregano
2 t kickin' chicken spice
1/4 C brown sugar
5 garlic cloves, peeled
1 medium yellow onion, peeled and quartered
1/4 C water
Rinse and pat the pork roast until it's dry. In a food processor or blender combine the vinegar, olive oil, salt, chili powder, oregano, kickin' chicken, brown sugar and garlic cloves. Blend until mixed and looks like a paste. Add the onions and mince. Pour the paste into your slow cooker. Put the pork roast on top of the paste. Rub the paste all over the pork roast, I used my own clean hands to do this. Don't leave any nook or cranny devoid of the paste! Pour the water into the bottom of the slow cooker. Cook on low for 8-10 hours. Take a fork and seperate the pork.
Ingredients needed for tacos:
1 package of corn tortillas
shortening (optional)
tomatoes, chopped
iceberg lettuce, chopped
green onions, chopped
cheese, grated
salsa of your choice
limes, cut into quarters
You have two choices on how to prepare the tortillas. The healthy way is to just warm them up for thirty seconds in the microwave. The tastier, but fattening, way is to flash fry them. To do this you need to place a large spoonful of shortening in a warm frying pan. Let the shortening melt and get hot. Place a corn tortilla into the hot oil. Let it fry for about 30 seconds. Flip the tortilla over to fry the other side but as you fry it fold it in half so it'll form into a soft taco shell. Place the tortilla on a paper towel covered plate and sprinkle some salt on it. Repeat until the desired amount of tortillas have been prepared. Take a tortilla shell and put some pork inside it. Squeeze a lime wedge over the pork. Now put some tomatoes, lettuce, onions, cheese and salsa over the pork. Enjoy!